Closed (by invitation only)


On this occasion will be presented the changes that occur to the operations of worker cooperatives and cooperative workers, now with the new Law 12,690. The speakers will be the lawyers: Dr.

<span class="administrative-area">SP</span> , Brazil

ICA Board meeting

A meeting of the ICA Board to consider the Blueprint for a Co-operative decade.


Together. How cooperatives show resilience to the crisis

From February to April 2012, CECOP and m30m, a film production cooperative, filmed 4 different cooperative stories: a mineral water factory in Poland founded more than 60 years ago (Muszynianka), a Fr


Co-operative banks: a model for more sustainable and inclusive growth

This event will gather academics, researchers, policy makers, representatives of co-operative banks and relevant stakeholders to share their thoughts, reflections and exchange views on their expectati


Conference: Cooperatives working towards a fair and competitive food supply chain

Cogeca, representing European agricultural cooperatives, and Euro Coop, the European Community of Consumer Cooperatives, will host a conference on 24 April exploring how cooperatives build a fairer an


New Zealand launch of the International Year of Cooperatives

The International Year of Cooperatives will be launched in New Zealand by Minister of Commerce Hon Craig Foss MP in the Grand Hall at Parliament from 6:00 to 7:30pm. Other speakers will include: * B

New Zealand

Conference in the French Parliament

Organized as part of the International Year of Cooperatives, the conference "Cooperatives enterprises build a better world" will take place on February the 15th in the French parliament in Paris.


ICA Global Board Meeting

The ICA Board develops and monitors a global strategy for ICA, approves the budget and oversees the functioning of the ICA.


5th Convention on co-operative banks

The 5th Convention on co-operative banks.


Aprender a vivir juntos: Grupos Cooperativos

Proyecto que se lleva a cabo en 14 Cooperativas de Enseñanza de ERKIDE-Irakaskuntza, con la finalidad de impulsar en las aulas metodologías que impulsen el aprendizaje cooperativo y el emprendizaje.

<span class="administrative-area">Spain</span> , Spain
Subscribe to Closed (by invitation only)


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