February issue of the #IYC2025 Newsletter on Social Justice is out!

25 Feb 2025

The first ICA newsletter celebrating the 2025 International Year of Cooperatives is out! Released on the World Day of Social Justice (20 February), the newsletter showcases how cooperatives are building a fairer and more equitable world every day.

It features a report from the recent 63rd session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD63), where cooperatives were highlighted as tools promoting solidarity and social cohesion. But what is the connection between social justice and cooperatives? The newsletter delves deeper into this important link via an interview with Simel Esim, Head of the International Labour Organization (ILO) COOP/SSE unit and Chair of the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy. 

Across the world, film has been used to share the stories of communities fighting social injustices through cooperatives. The newsletter features a list of films telling inspiring stories of collective action. Check it out!

There are many examples of cooperatives promoting social justice, two of which are highlighted in the newsletter: Kampala Medical & Allied Health Workers Cooperative Society (KAMACOS) a non-profit bringing together medical professionals and allied health workers for economic development and humanitarian service, and Diomcoop, a Barcelona-based cooperative set up by street vendors who came together to provide a range of services, from catering and cleaning to fashion and awareness-raising.

The newsletter also celebrates Black History Month, acknowledging how people working together in the face of racism have long used cooperative action to improve each others’ lives in tangible ways.

IYC is an opportunity for cooperatives to celebrate their contributions and long history. In the Asia-Pacific region, the official launch of the year took place on 20 February, with 700 delegates attending an event co-hosted by the ICA-AP, the IYC2025 Japan Committee, and the International Labour Organization Office for Japan. 

Cooperatives will continue to showcase their important work throughout the year. To find out what is happening in your region, check out the newsletter’s events list and gallery.

The newsletter is brought to you in collaboration with Co-op News.

Do you want to be featured in the newsletter? Get in touch at media@ica.coop


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