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Share your co-op story around gender equality to win a trip to Denmark

23 Feb 2018

Are you a young person aged 18-35 developing a co-operative business aimed at making gender equality a reality OR leading an innovative gender equality project in a co-operative enterprise or co-operative association?

If yes, Cooperatives Europe, the regional organisation of the International Co-operative Alliance for Europe, wants to hear from YOU!


What is this competition about?

In the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals – the chosen topic of 2018 Cooperatives Europe General Assembly – the 2018 #MyCoopStory competition will seek out young people who are developing activities or contributing through their co-operative to the advancement of SDG 5 – Gender Equality.

Through their values and principles, co-operatives inherently contribute to the advancement of gender equality. We want to showcase the best examples of what Europe’s young co-operators have to offer in this field. We have teamed up with our members Kooperationen, the organisers of the GA 2018, and the Young European Cooperators Network, to celebrate and promote their work.

#MyCoopStory will see young co-operators present their businesses and explain their projects or activities in gender equality. The winner will travel to Denmark (travel and accommodation covered), present at the General Assembly, get a chance to expand their own network at the meeting of the Young European Cooperators Network. (YECN). The top videos will also be spread across the European co-operative networks.

Who is eligible? You must be:

·     A young person aged 18-35

·     A co-operator / wannabe co-operator

·     Developing a project or setting up a business involving a gender equality

·     Coming from the European region

·     Available to travel between 16-18 May.

What’s the prize?

·     Your video will be spread around Europe on social media

·     A trip to Denmark – flights and accommodation are on us!

·     You will present your project at the biggest European #coop gathering – the General Assembly of Cooperatives Europe.

·     A tour of local co-operatives

·     Expand your network at the meeting of the Young European Co-operators Network (YECN)

How to apply?

Fill out a questionnaire here and answer a few questions about your project and your vision by 25 March.

If selected for the second round, we will ask for a 2-minute video presenting your project.


The competition is hosted by Cooperatives Europe with Kooperationen and Young European Co-operators Network (YECN).