Consumer - Retail

Cooperative Consumers Worldwide

Consumer Co-operatives Worldwide (CCW) réunit, représente et défend les intérêts des organisations de consommateurs au niveau mondial.


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Cooperative Consumers Worldwide

Consumer Co-operatives Worldwide (CCW) unites, represents, and defends the interests of organizations of consumer cooperatives around the globe.


Pioneer Wednesdays, Co-operative Dragons Den

What would you choose to sell in your co-operative store? Using upcycled materials create the packaging for your co-operative inspired product. Drop in, no need to book.

United Kingdom

A co-operative approach to social care

SOCIAL CARE - A CO-OPERATIVE APPROACH Meeting the aspirations and needs of an ageing population through ownership & control Monday 29 April 2013, 10.30am – 3.30pm at Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial S

United Kingdom

Defiant Radios Fun Day

11.00am - 4.00pm In the 1930s, radio manufacturers refused to supply radio sets to co-operatives so they made their own and call them ‘defiant’.

United Kingdom
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On 22 January, the soft launch meeting of the

The deadline for submissions for the…

As we embark on a new year, a year designated by…