Workers - Industrial


CICOPA es la Organización Internacional de Cooperativas Industriales y de Servicios, una organización sectorial de la Alianza Cooperativa Internacional (ACI) desde 1947.

Industry, crafts and services

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Industry, crafts and services

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CICOPA is the International Organisation of Industrial and Service Cooperatives, a sector organisation of the International Cooperative Alliance since 1947.

Together. How cooperatives show resilience to the crisis

From February to April 2012, CECOP and m30m, a film production cooperative, filmed 4 different cooperative stories: a mineral water factory in Poland founded more than 60 years ago (Muszynianka), a Fr


Cooperatives - Key actors of social economy in Romania

One day event that gathered for the first time cooperatives unions, researchers and NGos around the topic What is the current situation of cooperative sector in Romania and what could be the ways to s


Co-ops and the Local Food System

Interested in learning more about how local cooperatives can strengthen our community and change the food system?

<span class="administrative-area">MA</span> , United States

Cooperatives and SMEs Week


6th European Organic Congress

6th European Organic Congress “Smart change - towards a sustainable CAP” Copenhagen, Denmark 17-18 April 2012 The 6th European Organic Congress in Denmark is taking place at a crucial point in time

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On 22 January, the soft launch meeting of the

The deadline for submissions for the…

As we embark on a new year, a year designated by…