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Boosting transatlantic intercooperation

07 May 2019

Intercooperation in practice. The ICA President, Ariel Guarco, led a group of Argentinian cooperators to visit various cooperatives in France, Belgium, Finland and Sweden. It was a cross-border exchange following February’s mission in India and Vietnam funded by the Government of Argentina.

In France, the delegation met representatives from the French cooperative movement, including the apex body CoopFR, Crédit Coopératif, Enercoop, Group Up, and the Office Central de la Coopération à l'Ecole (OCCE). In Belgium, they visited Ecopower, ResCoop, Smart, and Bees Coop. Ariel Guarco also visited the ICA headquarters and took the time to listen to the different projects currently keeping the team busy.

The mission continued in Sweden and Finland where the delegation met with ICA members in these countries including Kooperativa Förbundet (KF) (the Swedish Co-operative Union, Riksbyggen (cooperative Housing Union), HSB ("the Savings and Construction Association of the Tenants") and Weeffect, in Sweden. In Finland, they met representatives from SOK Corporation,  Pellervo Coop Center and a handful of consumer cooperatives. Cooperators from Mexico and Uruguay joined the group together with the Consumer Cooperatives Worldwide (CCW) Secretary – General, Todor Ivanov.

More information on the visit here