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European Young European Cooperators Network Report February 2018

YECN partners in European project CoopStarter 2.0

Led by Cooperatives Europe, this project evolved from a common methodology for mentors of cooperative entrepreneurs (CoopStarter), to a large-scale awareness plan for young European to cooperative entrepreneurship (CoopStarter 2.0). This project is based on close cooperation between national federations of coops and youth organizations in order to develop tools to promote cooperative model and to create co-ops. The YECN gets involved by sharing good practices and experiences in order to feed tools’ creation with examples of coops created by young people and in the organisation of awareness raising events in some countries.

Launched in September 2017, the project involving 8 European partners (Cooperatives Europe, YECN, Kooperationen, Cooperative College, AEGEE, Kapa, Promo Jeunes, Legacoop) is already about to release its first outputs. In 2019, a team of ambassadors will be selected in 5 pilot countries and trained in Manchester to engage youth communities around cooperative entrepreneurial initiatives.

If you want to know more about the project CoopStarter and how to become an ambassador, contact us! More information: www.starter.coop

Young cooperators day held in Bologna

On December 18th, young cooperators gathered in Bologna, Italy for the first young cooperators day.

It was a day for discussing and knowing each other better. Youth national networks of Italy (Alleanza Delle Cooperative - Giovani), France (Jeunes2Coops) and UK (YCN) presented their experiences setting up the network and representing the youth in the cooperative movement to an audience of 60 young cooperators and activities from 6 countries, including a big delegation of Danish cooperators who joined YECN for the first time.

More information: https://coopseurope.coop/node/721